We recognize that conflicts can arise due to two common reasons:

  1. not fully sharing feelings and thoughts
  2. not feeling heard.

We firmly believe that hidden feelings and unexpressed thoughts can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Therefore, we have established a culture where open communication is encouraged, and individuals are expected to share their concerns and grievances without hesitation.

Our principles

  1. Openness and Transparency: We don't allow hidden feelings. We expect individuals to openly share their concerns, regardless of the subject, to address them promptly.
  2. Embracing Differences: We acknowledge diverse perspectives and don't require agreement on everything. However, we prioritize open discussion to prevent suppressed emotions and build-up of resentment.
  3. Active Listening: We practice active listening during conflicts, giving space for individuals to express their thoughts and emotions without interruption. It fosters a sense of being heard and validated.
  4. Constructive Discussion: Once feelings are expressed, we engage in respectful dialogue, seeking understanding and finding common ground. Our focus is on resolving underlying issues rather than personal attacks.

By following these principles, we create an environment where conflicts are openly addressed and resolved. We prioritize open communication, active listening, and constructive dialogue to build strong, collaborative relationships.

We foster a healthy work environment by addressing conflicts promptly and promoting open communication.